Idiot’s Guide to installing Dingux using Windows released

With the release of FAT Dingux, it is now possible to install Dingux using only Windows!  As promised, here is The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Installing Dingux – Using Windoze Edition.  Grab it here in PDF, zipped here, or here for HTML.


















Welcome to the Armed Hippy

This site is dedicated to the frustrated, mostly male, citizens of nice, safe countries like Australia, Switzerland and Malaysia, where owning a real firearm (or for that matter, a crossbow, slingshot, deadly looking lighter, or laser pointer - goddarnit, yes - laser pointer, and we aren't talking one of Han Solo's blasters, either) is subject to strict laws.

We're content of course that our streets are less violent than in countries with relaxed gun laws, but it's all a tad unmanly, I'm afraid. C'mon, we just wanna hold them a bit, point them at mirrors and go "Do you feel lucky, Punk", before heading back to our exciting lives of spreadsheets and cubicle.

Fortunately there are there are the gun fetish equivalents of nicotine patches for this condition, to sooth the savage beast within every little boy who never grew up.

So, pop by every now and then for the best papercraft guns and toy weapons which have the benefit of being: 1. legal, 2. cool and 3. harmless.